From 0.5 to 0.6
Bundled dependencies
The dependencies are now explicitly listed in the service-desk package, including the bundled ones.
You can find bundled dependencies list:
in package description in debian package
in Provides field in rpm package
The configuration files are now in /etc/service-desk
During the upgrade process towards 0.6, the previous configuration files present in /usr/share/service-desk/conf
(all .php files) are migrated to /etc/service-desk/
is migrated as aconfig.inc.php.bak
file,all other php file names are preserved. (including local conf, domain conf, and customized lang files)
Please take in consideration that config.inc.php
is now replaced systematically by the version in the RPM package. A .rpmsave backup will be done with the current version. The deb package will continue asking which file to use, it is advised to replace the current one with the version in the package.
Avoid as much as possible editing the /etc/service-desk/config.inc.php
file. Prefer modifying the /etc/service-desk/config.inc.local.php
Password policy
When you change the password for a user, you can now configure a local password policy for ensuring the password strength is sufficient.
Most of the criteria are checked dynamically, while the password is being typed, and they are also enforced at server side.
You can give a look to the password policy documentation for more information.
The local password policy is now defined in a library: ltb-common.
Cache cleaning
Now the cache is being cleaned-up during service-desk upgrade / install.
This is intended to avoid smarty problems due to service-desk templates upgrade, and possibly smarty upgrade itself.
Dependencies update
Removed packaged dependencies:
old php module for apache2/httpd is no more required. The migration is done towards php-fpm.
apache2/httpd is not required any more. You can installed nginx or httpd by hand.
Packaged dependencies:
smarty is now a required package. service-desk will work with either version 3 or 4. On debian,
will be configured to use smarty4 if availablephp-fpm >= 7.3 is now a required dependency, replacing old php module for apache/httpd. On debian, if apache2 is already installed, php-fpm configuration for apache2 will be done automatically
php-ldap has been kept as dependency
Bundled dependencies:
js-bootstrap has been updated from version v3.4.1 to version v5.3.2
js-jquery has been updated from version v1.10.2 to version v3.7.1
js-datatables.net-datatables.net has been updated from version 1.10.16 to version 2.1.2
js-datatables.net-datatables.net-bs5 has been updated from version 1.10.16 to version 2.0.8
js-datatables.net-datatables.net-buttons has been updated from version 1.5.1 to version 3.1.0
js-datatables.net-datatables.net-buttons-bs5 has been updated from version 1.5.1 to version 3.0.2
fontawesome-fonts has been updated from version 4.7.0 to version 6.5.2
php-ltb-project-ltb-common has been updated from version 0.1 to version 0.3.0
php-phpmailer has been updated from version 6.8.0 to version v6.9.1
php-bjeavons-zxcvbn-php version 1.3.1 has been added
php-guzzlehttp-guzzle version 7.8.1 has been added
php-guzzlehttp-promises version 2.0.2 has been added
php-guzzlehttp-psr7 version 2.6.2 has been added
php-mxrxdxn-pwned-passwords version 2.1.0 has been added
php-phpmailer version 6.9.1 has been added
php-psr-http-client version 1.0.3 has been added
php-psr-http-factory version 1.0.2 has been added
php-psr-http-message version 2.0 has been added
php-ralouphie-getallheaders version 3.0.3 has been added
php-symfony-deprecation-contracts version 2.5.1 has been added
php-symfony-finder version 7.0.0 has been added
php-symfony-polyfill version v1.31.0 has been added
php-symfony-deprecation-contracts version v2.5.3 has been added
php-symfony-var-exporter version v5.4.40 has been added
php-psr-container version 1.1.2 has been added
php-symfony-service-contracts version v2.5.3 has been added
php-psr-cache version 1.0.1 has been added
php-symfony-cache-contracts version v2.5.3 has been added
php-psr-log version 1.1.4 has been added
php-symfony-cache version v5.4.42 has been added
php-predis-predis version v2.2.2 has been added
Removed bundled dependencies:
myclabs/deep-copy, doctrine/instantiator,
nikic/php-parser, phar-io/version, phpunit/php-code-coverage, phpunit/phpunit,
phpunit/php-timer, phpunit/php-invoker, phpunit/php-text-template,
phpunit/php-file-iterator, sebastian/recursion-context,
sebastian/version, sebastian/complexity, sebastian/environment,
sebastian/object-enumerator, sebastian/global-state,
sebastian/resource-operations, sebastian/comparator,
sebastian/exporter, sebastian/type, sebastian/code-unit,
sebastian/lines-of-code, sebastian/diff, sebastian/object-reflector,
sebastian/code-unit-reverse-lookup, sebastian/cli-parser, theseer/tokenizer
Note that hidden files (.gitignore,…) from bundled dependencies are now removed from packages.
Last authentication time and idle accounts
You can now configure the name of the attribute storing the last authentication date.
The default value is set in config.inc.php so you don’t have to change anything if you did not modify this file (the recommended way is to create a config.inc.local.php).
If you are using the new lastbind feature from OpenLDAP 2.5, then you must update your local configuration:
$ldap_lastauth_attribute = "pwdLastSuccess";
New ldap parameter
You can now retrieve users with a paged search, for example if your directory does not allow you to get all entries at once.
You can enable this feature by setting a non-zero value to the page size parameter:
$ldap_page_size = 100;
Account validity
Account validity feature is enabled by default. For OpenLDAP it relies on pwdStartTime
and pwdEndTime
attributes available since OpenLDAP 2.5.
For Active Directory, only the end time is available, in accountExpires
You can disable this new feature if you don’t want to use it:
$show_validitystatus = false;
$use_updatestarttime = false;
$use_updateendtime = false;
$use_searchinvalid = false;