You can enable audit to log all actions done through Service Desk.
The items provided in the audit log are:
IP of connected admin
DN of account being updated
Who has done the action (see Admin name below)
Result of the action
Additional comment (Optionally entered by Admin)
"date":"Wed, 17 May 2023 11:12:59",
"comment":"Security breach"
Audit log file
Set the file where actions are logged:
$audit_log_file = "/var/log/service-desk/audit.log";
The file must be writable by the PHP or WebServer process
Admin name
The admin name must be set into an HTTP header.
Using Apache, we could use instead:
$header_name_audit_admin = "Auth-User";
Using Nginx, we could use instead:
$header_name_audit_admin = "AUTH_USER";
In nginx.conf:
server {
location ~ \.php$ {
fastcgi_param HTTP_AUTH_USER $http_auth_user;
Using Nginx, headers with underscores in their names are discarded by default. In order for these headers to be considered valid, we need to add underscores_in_headers on
to nginx.conf
If no header defined or if header is empty, actions will be logged as “anonymous”
Display audit logs
Enabling audit logs display
When the audit logs are enabled, they can be displayed in a table by setting the following variable:
$use_showauditlog = true;
Days of audit logs
The number of days that can be displayed in the table can be configured as follows:
$audit_log_days = 5;
The log file specified under $audit_log_file may only contain logs generated within the last $audit_log_days due to log rotation configuration.
Display table columns
The table columns to be displayed can be configured with the following variable:
$audit_log_items = array('date','ip','dn','done_by','action','result','comment');
Audit table sorting
The table can be sorted by default by the setting:
$audit_log_sortby = "date";
Audit table sorting order
Audit logs are usually display with the oldest first as they are being parsed from a file. In order to have the newest audit log entries first the following configuration can reverse the order:
$audit_log_reverse = true;