
From tarball

Uncompress and unarchive the tarball:

tar -zxvf ltb-project-service-desk-*.tar.gz

Install files in /usr/share/:

mv ltb-project-service-desk-* /usr/share/service-desk

You need to install these prerequisites:

  • Apache or another web server

  • php-ldap

  • php-fpm >= 7.3

  • smarty (version 3 or 4)

Debian / Ubuntu


Due to a bug in old Debian and Ubuntu smarty3 package, you may face the error syntax error, unexpected token "class". In this case, install a newer version of the package:

# wget

# dpkg -i smarty3_3.1.47-2_all.deb

Import the PGP key:

apt install curl gpg
curl | gpg --dearmor > /usr/share/keyrings/ltb-project-openldap-archive-keyring.gpg

Configure the repository:

vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ltb-project.list
deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/ltb-project-openldap-archive-keyring.gpg] stable main

Then update:

apt update

You are now ready to install:

apt install service-desk

You should now proceed to Apache installation and configuration or to Nginx installation and configuration

CentOS / RedHat

Configure the yum repository:

vi /etc/yum.repos.d/ltb-project.repo
name=LTB project packages (noarch)

Then update:

dnf update

Import repository key:

rpm --import

You are now ready to install:

dnf install service-desk

You should now proceed to Apache installation and configuration or to Nginx installation and configuration


Prepare a local configuration file for Service Desk, for example /home/test/servicedesk.conf.php.

Start container, mounting that configuration file:

docker run -p 80:80 \
    -v /home/test/servicedesk.conf.php:/var/www/conf/ \

From git repository, for developpers only

You can get the content of git repository

Update composer dependencies:

composer update

Depending on your php version, this command will determine the versions of composer dependencies, and create a composer.lock file. Then it will download these dependencies and put them in vendor/ directory.

Then you can follow the instructions from From tarball, especially the prerequisites.