Display parameters
User panel
Configure which items are displayed:
$display_items = array('identifier', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'title', 'businesscategory', 'employeenumber', 'employeetype', 'mail', 'phone', 'mobile', 'fax', 'postaladdress', 'street', 'postalcode', 'l', 'state', 'organizationalunit', 'organization');
Set which item is use as title:
$display_title = "fullname";
Choose to show undefined values:
$display_show_undefined = false;
Account information panel
Configure which items are displayed:
$display_password_items = array('pwdchangedtime', 'pwdreset', 'pwdaccountlockedtime', 'pwdfailuretime','pwdpolicysubentry', 'authtimestamp', 'created', 'modified');
You can also display the password expiration date in this panel by enabling this option:
$display_password_expiration_date = true;
Lock status
You can disable the lock status panel:
$show_lockstatus = false;
Enable status
You can disable the enable status panel:
$show_enablestatus = false;
Expire status
You can disable the expire status panel:
$show_expirestatus = false;
Validity status
You can disable the validity status panel:
$show_validitytatus = false;