LDAP Tool Box Service Desk is a web application for administrators and support teams. It allows to browse accounts in an LDAP directory, view and update their status.
There is no authentication requested by the application. You must set some before opening the application to your trusted users. Some examples are provided in the documentation.
LDAPv3 and Active Directory support
Quick search for an account
View main attributes
View account and password status
Test current password
Reset password and force password change at next connection
Lock and unlock account
Enable and disable account
Update account validity dates
Create and view audit logs
Set a comment on each action
Launch a prehook and a posthook for each action
Accounts locked
Accounts disabled
Accounts with a password that will soon expire
Accounts with an expired password
Accounts idle (never connected or not connected since a number of days)
Accounts invalid (for which start date is in the future, or end date is in the past)