General parameters

Configuration files

The default configuration file is /etc/service-desk/, it contains all default values. To edit configuration, you should create /etc/service-desk/ and override needed parameters:

// Override parameters below



Do not copy into, as the first one includes the second. You would then create an infinite loop and crash your application.

Multi tenancy

You can load a specific configuration file by passing a HTTP header. This feature is disable by default. To enable it:

$header_name_extra_config = "SSP-Extra-Config";

Then if you send the header SSP-Extra-Config: domain1, the file /etc/service-desk/ will be loaded.

Using Apache, we may set such header using the following:

<VirtualHost *:80>
   RequestHeader setIfEmpty SSP-Extra-Config domain1

Using Nginx, we could use instead:

server {
    location ~ \.php {
        fastcgi_param HTTP_SSP_EXTRA_CONFIG domain1;



Lang is selected from browser configuration. If no matching language is found, the default language is used.

Set default language in $lang:

$lang = "en";


You can override messages by creating lang files in configuration directory:

  • conf/ directory for service-desk archive

  • /etc/service-desk directory for rpm/deb packages

For example, you can create a customized file: /etc/service-desk/

Language is picked according to browser choice among the available ones. All languages are allowed by default, to restrict them add $allowed_lang array:

$allowed_lang = array("en");



You can adapt how dates are displayed with specifiers (see strftime reference):

$date_specifiers = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S (%Z)";


You can adapt the default timezone for displaying all the dates (see the complete list of timezones):

$date_timezone = "UTC";



You change the background image with your own. Set the path to image in $background_image:

$background_image = "images/unsplash-space.jpeg";

Custom CSS

To easily customize CSS, you can use a separate CSS file:

$custom_css = "css/custom.css";

Password inputs

When testing or resetting a password, the browser will prompt to remember the password. You can disable this behavior in your browser for Service Desk page, but if you need to change this on server side, a trick is needed. Password inputs are converted into text inputs but value is kept hidden.

To enable this trick:

$fake_password_inputs = true;


You can turn on debug mode with $debug:

$debug = true;


Debug messages will be printed in server logs.

This is also possible to enable Smarty debug, for web interface issues:

$smarty_debug = true;


Debug messages will appear on web interface. You will also have many more messages in error logs.


You need to define where Smarty is installed:

define("SMARTY", "/usr/share/php/smarty3/Smarty.class.php");

Notify administrator by mail

It is possible to provide mail of administrator to service-desk using a HTTP header.

$header_name_notify_admin_by_mail is name of header that will be provided to cgi script as HTTP_$header_name_notify_admin_by_mail to set administrator mail from webserver.

$header_name_notify_admin_by_mail = "SSP-Admin-Mail";

Using Apache, we may set such header using the following:

<VirtualHost *:80>
   RequestHeader setIfEmpty SSP-Admin-Mail

Using Nginx, nginx take normalized cgi param naming, ie uppercase and - replaced to _. we could use instead:

server {
    location ~ \.php {
        fastcgi_param HTTP_SSP_ADMIN_MAIL;