Search parameters
Search attributes
Configure attributes on which the search is done:
$search_attributes = array('uid', 'cn', 'mail');
By default, search is done with substring match. This can be changed to use exact match:
$search_use_substring_match = false;
Results display
Configure items shown when displaying results:
$search_result_items = array('identifier', 'mail', 'mobile');
Define pagination values in dropdown:
$datatables_page_length_choices = array(10, 25, 50, 100, -1); // -1 means All
Set default pagination for results (can also be used to force the length without $datatables_page_length_choices
$datatables_page_length_default = 10;
Show “print all” button:
$datatables_print_all = true;
Show “print page” button:
$datatables_print_page = true;
Enable autoPrint feature (will launch print dialog directly when cliking on print buttons):
$datatables_auto_print = true;